The Effect of Work Shifts on Work Stress on Employees of Textile Industry Weaving


  • Budi Yulianto Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Joko Windu Purno Irawan Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Vincentius Supriyono Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Nurlailis Saadah Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya


work stress, weaving, work shift


A noisy work environment that exceeds the Threshold Limit (NAV) has a risk of work stress. Employees of the weaving division at PT "S" Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, work according to shift work. Every day employees work in different shifts with 1 day off per week. This study aims to determine whether work shifts affect work stress on employees in the weaving section by comparing the work stress scores of employees from the three groups based on work shifts: morning, afternoon, and evening. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study was 125 employees consisting of rice, day and night shifts. Work stress data was assessed using a job stress questionnaire covering psychological, physical, and behavioral indicators of employees. The three groups of work stress data were analyzed using the one-way Anova test. The average work stresses score of morning shift employees: is 120,72; standby shift: is 119.50; night shift 119.67. The results of the Anova test obtained a probability value (p = 0.191), which means that there is no significant difference in the average work stress score of employees based on work shifts. There is no difference in the work stress of the weaving section employees based on work shifts because these employees show that they can adapt to the workplace. The average working period of employees is 8.5 years, which means that the weaving section employees have been working in the noisy section for a long time with a shift work system. So that employees always use hearing protection equipment during work to reduce exposure to high-intensity sounds


